Hello Folks,
I have had some luck in getting the empties to go away
by changing the ranges for the Hourly and Weekly graphs
in grapher.cgi.
sub getRanges {
my($scales) = @_;
$scales = "d:w:m:y" unless (defined($scales));
# these definitions mirror how MRTG 2.5 sets up its graphs
my(%scaleMap) = ( 'd' => $main::kHour * 36,
'w' => $main::kDay * 10,
'm' => $main::kWeek * 5,
'y' => $main::kMonth * 16);
In the example I have changed the definition of 'd' to 36 hours from 42
and 'm' from 6 weeks to 5. It seems to work more consistently this way.
I don't understand why, but it does.
-Pat West
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