[cricket-users] Querying Routers with IP Addresses

From: rose@gerf.org
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 10:01:01 PDT

From: rose@gerf.org

Hi all,
  I've been struggling with the installation of cricket because of a very
basic configuration problem.
  I need to specify the routers I will query by IP address, *not* by hostname,
and I do not know how to do this.
The beginner.txt file mentions that this is possible, but does not give
any clue as to how it is done.

  I have already aliased the router's ip address to a hostname in my
/etc/hosts file, and I have set up the domain lookups to check files
before checking dns, and none of this has helped.

  Cricket just runs, complains it can't resolve the ip address with
gethostbyname and dies.

  Can anyone help me with this simple bit of information?
It would surely prevent further hair tearing, and binge drinking.


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