Re: [cricket-users] Querying Routers with IP Addresses

From: Stephen Carville (
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 11:34:26 PDT

From: Stephen Carville <>

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, you wrote:
-Hi all,
- I've been struggling with the installation of cricket because of a very
-basic configuration problem.
- I need to specify the routers I will query by IP address, *not* by hostname,
-and I do not know how to do this.
-The beginner.txt file mentions that this is possible, but does not give
-any clue as to how it is done.
- I have already aliased the router's ip address to a hostname in my
-/etc/hosts file, and I have set up the domain lookups to check files
-before checking dns, and none of this has helped.
- Cricket just runs, complains it can't resolve the ip address with
-gethostbyname and dies.
- Can anyone help me with this simple bit of information?
-It would surely prevent further hair tearing, and binge drinking.

Here is my "solution" for a Cisco 5500

In my main Defaults file:

datasource Traffic-In
        ds-source = "snmp://public@%switch%/ifInOctets.%port%"

datasource Traffic-Out
        ds-source = "snmp://public@%switch%/ifOutOctets.%port%"

targetType port-traffic
        ds = "Traffic-In, Traffic-Out"

In the drectory Defaults file

Target --default--
         rrd-datafile = %dataDir%/%auto-target-name%.rrd
        directory-desc = "St. Louis Switch at ip.add.for.switch"

The switches file

target --default--
        switch = ip.add.for.switch

# stlntx - attached to 2/6 -- 14
target "stlntx"
         target-type = port-traffic
         short-desc = "St. Louis Exchange Server"
         port = 14

# slmis3 - port 2/5 -- 13
target "slmis3"
        target-type = port-traffic
        short-Desc = "stmis3"
        port = 13


Stephen Carville
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