From: "Berg, Ivan" <>
Take a look at mtargets and targets in the reference file
Mtargets performs mathmatical operations on targets, like combining data
from four different graphs into one. Targets is what you are looking for,
it combines multiple graph onto one page.
For example....
?target Serial0_Comb
targets = "serial0_0;serial0_1;serial0_2;serial0_3"
short-desc = "All T1's on 1 Page"
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael P. Burton
Sent: 7/18/99 8:46 PM
Subject: [cricket-users] Viewing multiple interfaces
From: "Michael P. Burton" <>
A brilliant little tid-bit in MRTG code was the "indexmaker"
which allows me to view multiple interfaces at the same time. Using
non-scaled stats, I was am able to watch easily where my traffic goes.
Is it possible to create a view like this with Cricket? So far,
it looks like every interface is on a seperate page...
Michael P. Burton "Love is like racing across the frozen tundra
Network Engineer, DCII on a snowmobile which flips over,
Portland State University trapping you underneath.
At night, the ice-weasels come." - Nietchze
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