RE: [cricket-users] monitor linux-interfaces

From: Berg, Ivan (
Date: Mon Jul 19 1999 - 14:30:01 PDT

From: "Berg, Ivan" <>

You need to do "util/listInterfaces <hostname or IP> <community>" >

In other words, give it a community password so it can access the snmp
By default on the snmp tools on redhat, the read community is public, and
the write community is private.
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxx xxxx
Sent: 7/19/99 3:24 PM
Subject: [cricket-users] monitor linux-interfaces

From: xxxx xxxx <>

Im a newbie with cricket and I have problems on making the
I use "util/listInterfaces <hostname or IP>" > interfaces
and everytime the interfaces-file only contains

"target --default--
        router = <hostname or IP>"

and I get an warning-message:
"Undefined subroutine &main::Warn called at util/..lib/ line
But I think that should not be the problem?!

The machines I want to montior are linux-Redhat6.0 with ucd-snmpd
and a router "Bintec Brick/XL", with which I have the same problem.
the linux-Redhat-system has many IP-Aliases I want to monitor seperately

Am I right that I dont need to edit the router-subtree if I only want
router-interfaces to monitor?

What can I do? Pleaze help

        thnx, xxxx

| |
| xxxx xxxx |
| Technische Universitaet Braunschweig |
| Rechenzentrum, Gruppe Netze und Betrieb |
| e-mail : xxx |
| Telefon : 0531-391-5538 |
| |

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