From: "Michael P. Burton" <>
I'm monitoring a switch. (Well, ok. Multiple switches, but let's just
talk about this one for the moment, shall we?) Using "targets," I'm
mapping multiple instances of a Cisco 5505 successfully. The problem
I'm having is finding a way to modify the the following tag:
/switch-ports/ (instance 1) (XSB BET)
I would much rather it say:
/switch-ports/ Port 2/1 (XSB BET)
as that means something instead of instance 1. The OID I'm looking
for is ifName/, but I'm at a loss as how to
incorperate this info into the switch-port target-type in the Default
file for switch-ports. Any ideas?
Michael P. Burton "Love is like racing across the frozen tundra
Network Engineer, DCII on a snowmobile which flips over,
Portland State University trapping you underneath.
At night, the ice-weasels come." - Nietchze
GCS d---- H--- s g+ !p au a25 w+++ v++ C++ UL++ P+ L++ 3 E---- N+ K- W+ M
V po--- Y+ t++ 5 j R++ G+ tv b++ D+ B--- e+++ u++ h-- f+ r+++ n--- z+++
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