Re: [cricket-users] rough day trying to set up rrdtool/cricket

From: Jeff Allen (
Date: Tue Jul 27 1999 - 23:15:12 PDT

From: Jeff Allen <>

Rob Windsor wrote:
> [I apologize for hitting both lists, but I'm not exactly sure which
> tool does the snmp chatter. -- Rob ]

That would be Cricket. RRD Tool is responsible for storing, rolling
up, and plotting the data. Getting it off the network is Cricket's

> First up, I have to put the FQDN in the config file. This is more annoying
> than 'broken', but I'd rather not have to do that.

Cricket uses gethostbyname() to turn the hostname given to it into an
IP address. If a FQDN is required on your machine to map a name to an
IP address, that's not something I can solve for you. Or maybe I'm not
understanding you here... can you clarify?

> Secondly, where can I hardcode the 'home directory' for cricket so that I
> don't have to create a new user? I'm currently running mrtg as myself and I

Let's see. To run Cricket in some weird place, you'll need to do

                a. edit the file subtree-sets. Make it look like this:
                                base: /some/weird/place/cricket-config
                                logdir: /some/weird/place/cricket-logs

                b. edit grapher.cgi and set $Common::global::gConfigRoot
                   to the full path that you set for "base:" above.
                c. whenever you use collector, compile, rrd-tune,
                   dump-targets, generate-statics scripts (and other future
                   things which expect to find the config tree) you'll need to
                   use the "-base" option to specify the base.

> Thirdly (and most importantly), I get the following, regardless of whether I
> point it at a solaris box (yeah, I know Solaris 2.6 smpdx is less than
> optimum) or either of our two NetApps:
> [20-Jul-1999 17:55:18*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName
> [20-Jul-1999 17:55:18 ] Got:
> [20-Jul-1999 17:55:18 ] Retrieved data for (): U,U,U,U

I'd need to know more, but it looks to me like you are asking the
device for some info it doesn't ahve. Are you certain the device in
question supports the mib items you are trying to fetch? Try running
the collector in debug mode and maybe you'll get a better idea what it
was trying to do that failed. The command would look like this:

                /home/cricket/cricket/collector -loglevel debug /subtree

> obtw, 'hi' to fellow former-Synopsys-ites.

I'm sure they'd say Hi back. I worked there too, but it was either
before or after your time.

Jeff R. Allen              |
WebTV Service Engineering  |

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