[cricket-users] SNMP_Session.pm and unformatted timeticks

From: roofpig@the.satanic.org
Date: Mon Aug 02 1999 - 16:08:10 PDT

From: <roofpig@the.satanic.org>

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 roofpig@the.satanic.org wrote:

        I've talked with Simon Leinen, maintainer of the SNMP_Session
package that Cricket uses. I told him about Cricket being unable to
plot OIDs of type TimeTick, because the value returned by SNMP_Session
is formatted. The latest version (SNMP_Session-0.72) now has the
ability to return the unformatted TimeTick values.

        By setting the following variable to zero (I choose to do this in
cricket/lib/snmpUtils.pm), you will get the raw TimeTicks value, rather
that the pretty_print formatted version:

$BER::pretty_print_timeticks = 0;

        Jeff, I would image that, with this new variable, you'll be able
to integrate support for this feature, since it's no longer necessary to
whack BER.pm directly.

        SNMP_Session is available at:


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