> By setting the following variable to zero (I choose to do this in
> cricket/lib/, you will get the raw TimeTicks value, rather
> that the pretty_print formatted version:
> $BER::pretty_print_timeticks = 0;
> Jeff, I would image that, with this new variable, you'll be able
> to integrate support for this feature, since it's no longer necessary to
> whack directly.
Hmm, ok, but I don't remember what the feature was... :) I squirreled
your mail away without enough context.
If I simply add that line, will it affect anyone badly? I don't think
so... I think I can simply add that line, and them _if_ someone tries
to graph a timeticks, then the right thing will happen. Which, I'm
beginning to recall, is what you were trying to get me to do. :)
What do you think?
-- Jeff R. Allen | WebTV Service Engineering | ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
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