Re: [cricket-users] and unformatted timeticks

From: Bert Driehuis (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 18:11:53 PST

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Jeff Allen wrote:

> > By setting the following variable to zero (I choose to do this in
> > cricket/lib/, you will get the raw TimeTicks value, rather
> > that the pretty_print formatted version:
> If I simply add that line, will it affect anyone badly? I don't think
> so... I think I can simply add that line, and them _if_ someone tries
> to graph a timeticks, then the right thing will happen. Which, I'm
> beginning to recall, is what you were trying to get me to do. :)

<webtv>MME TOOO</webtv> :-)

Yes, it will impact people. Currently, if a timeticks value exceeds one
day, the value returned will be formatted as the number of days indicated.
However, people will be impacted by the current situation as soon as they
reboot whatever server has an uptime exceeding one day, or if (as in my
case) their Squid Current LRU expiration drops below one day and suddenly
shows up as 23 units (which happen to be hours suddenly).

So, it's a misfeature, and I agree with roofdog (sp?) it would help to
make it consistent by setting this variable.

Sigh. So much for wanting to produce clean diffs, I have been taking this
one out of mine because I wanted to discuss it in-depth before suggesting
the change.


                                        -- Bert

Bert Driehuis, MIS -- -- +31-20-3116119
The first one to use the words "Brick and Mortar Company" will get it in
the neck.

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