From: Matt Zimmerman <>
On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 11:33:27AM +1200, Craig Mckenna wrote:
> From: "Craig Mckenna" <>
> Does anyone know a way of producing a graph with set limitations
> IE
> we have a frame relay link that peaks at about 20kbps utilisation but
> i would like to be able to optionally graph traffic below 1kpbs so i
> can see what the average traffic is like.
> any ideas ?
If I understand correctly, you want something like the 'y-max' setting
in the graph dictionary, e.g.:
[from sample-config/http-performance/Defaults]
graph --default--
y-axis = "Time in Seconds"
units = secs
# cut off spikes above 5 seconds
y-max = 5
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