From: Brad Knowles <>
At 11:33 AM +1200 1999/8/24, Craig Mckenna wrote:
> we have a frame relay link that peaks at about 20kbps utilisation but
> i would like to be able to optionally graph traffic below 1kpbs so i
> can see what the average traffic is like.
IMO, the best solution is to allow for logarithmic scales, so
that extreme peaks don't completely wipe out the resolution at the
bottom. There's a lot of graphing software in a lot of places that
needs to do this sort of thing, and cricket+rrdtool is just one of
them. Why only gnuplot seems to have solved this problem just
completely escapes me....
-- Brad Knowles <> <> <>Your mouse has moved. Windows NT must be restarted for the change to take effect. Reboot now? [ OK ]
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