Re: [cricket-users] archiving data

From: Kirby Krueger (
Date: Wed Aug 25 1999 - 14:28:10 PDT

From: Kirby Krueger <>

Richard Misenheimer wrote:
> From: Richard Misenheimer <>
> i now have a new requirement. in addition to the "mrtg-style" of
> configuration, i need to keep my five minute interval data for at least
> a year. yes, i need to archive my data.
> so i looked at the Defaults file and i saw the following lines:
> # one point per 5 minutes, spanning 50 hours
> rra 5minAve AVERAGE:0.5:1:600
> would i be able to change the 600(50 hrs) above to a big number, like
> 105120 (1year) and still get my mrtg-style graphs? or would i need to
> have another subtree (hence, another Defaults file) to collect this
> archive data? or do i run another instance of cricket? or should i just
> load mysql and xfer my rrd numbers into there for later inspection?
If you change the 600, this will indeed change the number of data points
that rrd stores. You'll need to recreate your rrd files, either by
deleting them or by doing some rrd-magic that is probably explained in
rrd documents to change the settings after creation.

This will use more disk space - possibly a lot more. And all at once,
too - rrd file sizes are static, so they're as big as they're going to
get when you create them. This might not be the easiest way to get to
this data, either, so an actual archival database might make sense. Or,
depending on why you need data, an old-fashioned archive of the rrd
files that you could pull back from tape in a rare occurrence might
suffice and be easy to set up.

I do have one target running that gets numbers once per day, that I
decided just to keep a year's worth of data points (365) and not bother
with rolling up, so this does work.

-- Kirby

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