[cricket-users] Problems with config tree setup

From: olg@amt.ru
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 14:49:29 PDT

From: olg@amt.ru


When I'm trying to setup my config tree in a such manner that
routers looks like an "objects", so you have directory with a router
name, inside it router Defaults and Target file and subdirectory with
interfaces Defaults and Targets files, I'm getting weird numbers in interfaces
graph, say utilization is several gigs/s, when actually it is several
kbits/s. At the same time router targets (cpu, mem etc) are graphed
with normal values. Looks like router defaults are messed up with some
interfaces Defaults values. When I'm moving router and interfaces targets
at the same directory level everything is graphed perfectly.
I'm currently using Defaults files from the sample-config directory.
Anybody has an idea ?


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