Re: [cricket-users] Way to speed grapher.cgi up?

From: Kirby Krueger (
Date: Wed Sep 08 1999 - 13:51:14 PDT

From: Kirby Krueger <>

Chris Adams wrote:
> From: Chris Adams <>
> I am running RRD/Cricket on a Cobalt RaQ, and it is slow (very slow).
> It takes 10-30 seconds to get an HTML page generated and another 30-45
> seconds to get the images generated.
> Is there any way to speed it up?
> I think I would prefer something more like MRTG where the HTML and the
> images are generated statically every 5 minutes instead of on-demand.
> Also I prefer the layout of MRTG's HTML, with graphs down the page and
> then the numbers that go with that graph right below it.

The short answer for speed is to use mod_perl, if you aren't. I'm not
sure which webservers support it (apache certainly does), but it allows
perl processes to run in the webserver without having to fork, and it
has a very obvious speed improvement for cricket.

We've encountered a bug with mod_perl and running multiple cricket
installs on one webserver, so in the unlikely case that you're doing
this, you might hold off a bit.

If you want to, you can actually rewrite a lot of the layout stuff in
the Defaults file at the top of your cricket-config directory. I
haven't done much with this, but it wouldn't surprise me if you could
rearrange things so that you like them more.

-- Kirby

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