[cricket-users] Data not being graphed

From: Brian E Gallew (geek+@cmu.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 09 1999 - 12:44:58 PST

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I've installed UCD-SNMP, and extended the configuration with the
following line:
exec logins /usr/local/share/snmp/login_count

I've declared the following OID:
OID logins .
datasource logins ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/logins

snmpget returns valid values, and rrd-dump shows correct values.

Unfortunately, the graphs are empty. "Values at last update" is
blank. Here are the relevant lines from my Defaults file:

targetType ucd-snmpd
        ds = "cpu1min, cpu5min, cpu15min, freemem, freeswap, logins"
        view = "cpu: cpu1min cpu5min cpu15min, memory: freemem freeswap, Users: logins"

graph logins
        draw-as = LINE2
        y-axis = "Users"
        legend = "User Logins"
        units = "users"
        scale = "1,*"

At the risk of making this too long, I'll even include an rrd-dump of
the relevant data file:

Header info: 6,6,300

DS 0: max_val,?,dsName,ds0,dst,GAUGE,min_val,?,ds_mrhb,1800
DS 1: max_val,?,dsName,ds1,dst,GAUGE,min_val,?,ds_mrhb,1800
DS 2: max_val,?,dsName,ds2,dst,GAUGE,min_val,?,ds_mrhb,1800
DS 3: max_val,?,dsName,ds3,dst,GAUGE,min_val,?,ds_mrhb,1800
DS 4: max_val,?,dsName,ds4,dst,GAUGE,min_val,?,ds_mrhb,1800
DS 5: max_val,?,dsName,ds5,dst,GAUGE,min_val,?,ds_mrhb,1800

RRA 0: pdp_cnt,1,cf,0.5,row_cnt,600,rraName,AVERAGE
RRA 1: pdp_cnt,6,cf,0.5,row_cnt,600,rraName,AVERAGE
RRA 2: pdp_cnt,24,cf,0.5,row_cnt,600,rraName,AVERAGE
RRA 3: pdp_cnt,24,cf,0.5,row_cnt,600,rraName,MAX
RRA 4: pdp_cnt,288,cf,0.5,row_cnt,600,rraName,AVERAGE
RRA 5: pdp_cnt,288,cf,0.5,row_cnt,600,rraName,MAX

Live header:
        last update time: 942179927

PDP 0: last_ds,UNKN,value,117.64,unkn_sec,0
PDP 1: last_ds,UNKN,value,110.87,unkn_sec,0
PDP 2: last_ds,UNKN,value,95.18,unkn_sec,0
PDP 3: last_ds,UNKN,value,12128448,unkn_sec,0
PDP 4: last_ds,UNKN,value,88447656,unkn_sec,0
PDP 5: last_ds,UNKN,value,908,unkn_sec,0

        ds=0: value,?,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=1: value,?,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=2: value,?,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=3: value,?,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=4: value,?,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=5: value,?,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=0: value,0.418,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=1: value,0.399,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=2: value,0.3796,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=3: value,61654.52,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=4: value,382368.12,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=5: value,4,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=0: value,2.05806666666667,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=1: value,2.32943333333333,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=2: value,2.5,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=3: value,374588.653333333,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=4: value,2689006.44,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=5: value,28,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=0: value,0.419,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=1: value,0.399,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=2: value,0.3796,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=3: value,61654.52,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=4: value,385301.88,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=5: value,4,unkn_pdp,0
        ds=0: value,4.1314,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=1: value,4.5017,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=2: value,4.79393333333333,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=3: value,689570.986666667,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=4: value,5006698.86666667,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=5: value,52,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=0: value,0.47,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=1: value,0.410766666666667,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=2: value,0.393933333333333,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=3: value,61654.52,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=4: value,390189.906666667,unkn_pdp,234
        ds=5: value,4,unkn_pdp,234

RRA ptrs
 0: 230
 1: 339
 2: 85
 3: 85
 4: 7
 5: 7

Current values
 0: 0.418
 1: 0.399
 2: 0.3796
 3: 61654.52
 4: 382368.12
 5: 4


| JAVA must have been developed in the wilds of West Virginia.      |
| After all, why else would it support only single inheritance??    |
| Finger geek@cmu.edu for my public key.                            |

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