From: Nathan Alan Haneysmith <>
Greetings all,
Please pardon if this is a known issue already :-)
So this afternoon I decided to play with the "generate-statics" script and
found what I think is just a syntax error. Line 244 was:
" MkDir($dir);" and it barfed and said that this sub-routine is not defined.
I replaced it with:
" Common::Util::MkDir($dir);" that I copied out of the "collector" script and it works like a champ :-)
Hasta ala Pasta,
-- Nathan Alan Haneysmith Systems Administrator Cybertrails ******************************* Be Here Now. If you do not live in the future, there is nothing to fear. If you do not live in the past, there is nothing to regret or feel guilty about.--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
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