[cricket-users] Tricky ATM OID

From: Loucks Guy (Guy.Loucks@det.nsw.edu.au)
Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 16:02:20 PST

From: Loucks Guy <Guy.Loucks@det.nsw.edu.au>


I would welcome suggestions around the following:

This works:
OID caal5vccInPkts
OID caal5VccOutPkts
OID caal5VccInOctets
OID caal5VccOutOctets
dataSource caal5VccOutOctets
        ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/caal5VccOutOctets.%inst%

This is what I would like to do:
OID caal5vccInPkts2
OID caal5VccOutPkts2
OID caal5VccInOctets2
OID caal5VccOutOctets2

dataSource caal5VccInPkts2
        ds-source =

This is from the config file:

target --default--
        router = isbr10.isd.tafensw.edu.au

target ATM1_1_0
        interface-name = ATM1/1/0
        short-desc = ""

target ATM1_1_0.35
        interface-name = "ATM1/1/0.35"
        short-desc = "ATM/FR Link to Castle Hill 1.16"
        target-type = atm-sub-interface2
        atm-inst = 35
        inst = 2

target ATM1_1_0.41
        interface-name = "ATM1/1/0.41"
        short-desc = "ATM/FR Link to Nth Wagga 0/0.16"
        target-type = atm-sub-interface2
        atm-inst = 41
        inst = 2

Now what I would like to do would be something like:

target ATM1_1_0
        interface-name = ATM1/1/0
        short-desc = ""
        atm-sii = %inst%

target ATM1_1_0.35
        interface-name = "ATM1/1/0.35"
        short-desc = "ATM/FR Link to Castle Hill 1.16"
        target-type = atm-sub-interface2
        atm-inst = 35
        inst = %atm-sii%

I can just use hard coded values, but this seems like a step backwards. It
is time to crawl through the doco again, I am pretty sure there is an
elegant way to do this.

The OID of interest is:
OID caal5vccInPkts[int-index].0
Where the int-index is the interface ATM1_1_0 above. As the version of IOS
we are running is limited in its ATM implementation we have had to use this
MIB. If I could have the file dynamic, this would be ideal.

I just can not think of a way to define a variable based on the results of a
previous query, and have it remain for the next query.

Any thought would be most welcome.



Guy R. Loucks
Senior Unix Systems Administrator
Networks Branch
NSW Department of Education & Training
Information Technology Bureau
Direct +61 2 9942 9887
Fax +61 2 9942 9600
Mobile +61 (0)18 041 186
Email guy.loucks@det.nsw.edu.au

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