From: Grimshaw Stuart <>
try using the -f switch for snmpwalk, this will give you the full OID.
This will probably come back with an OID that cricket wont understand,
so run it through snmptranslate -p to get the numeric version.
I used this method to find the OID for the pagecount of my HP Laserjet
Stuart Grimshaw,
System Administrator,
Community, Leisure & Cultural Services Dept.
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.
t:01254 587235
f:01254 660236
>-----Original Message-----
>From: George Hong []
>Sent: 10 January 2000 23:02
>To: Hugo Gayosso
>Subject: Re: [cricket-users] OID for cisco 2900
>From: George Hong <>
>Hi Hugo,
> Thanks for the tip. I went to the site and find the MIB for 2900 under
>directory. snmpget doesn't return the value, any suggestion?
> Here is the log:
>"c2900BandwidthUsage" ""
>>snmpget switch_ip_address public_snmp
>Error in packet
>Reason: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.
>This name doesn't exist: system.sysUpTime.
>Try snmpwalk, nothing either.
> Thanks a bunch in advanced.
>--George Hong
>Hugo Gayosso wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Try downloading the MIB from or from somewhere else.
>> Greetings,
>> On 08-Jan-2000 George Hong wrote:
>> > Hi there,
>> > It seems like the oid for cisco 2900 is a lot different from 1900 or
>> > 5500. Anyone knows 2900's oids for 1mincpu, 5mincpu, backplane bandwidth
>> > usage? I tried snmpwalk on the router, can't find something obvious.
>> > Thanks.
>> > --George
>> >
>> >
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