From: Jeff Younker <>
} elsif ( $archname eq 'OpenBSD.i386-openbsd' ) {
$self->{'statHead'} = "a4 a5 x3 d L L L x80";
$self->{'dsDef'} = "a20 a20 L x4 d d x56";
$self->{'rraDef'} = "a20 L L d x72";
$self->{'pdpDef'} = "a30 x2 L x4 d x64";
$self->{'cdpDef'} = "d L x4 x64";
$self->{'liveHead'} = "L";
$self->{'rraPtr'} = "L";
$self->{'element'} = "d";
return 1;
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