From: Jeff Younker <>
I have a cisco router which I'm monitoring. Essentially I'm using the
configuration right out of the sample tree for /routers, collecting cpu and
memory statistics. These targets have been accumulating data for quite some
time, the graphs are viewable, the collector is happy, etc.
Now I toss the following monitor in a targets definition:
monitor-thresholds = "cpu5min:value:10:12"
And after recompiling the tree I get the following: > /usr/local/cricket/collector /routers
[15-Jan-2000 03:06:41 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 0.71 ( Sun Jan 9
21:50:46 PST 2000 )
[15-Jan-2000 03:06:42 ] Retrieved data for ciscosl1 ():
[15-Jan-2000 03:06:44 ] Retrieved data for ciscosl2 ():
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/local/cricket/./lib/ line 264.
[15-Jan-2000 03:06:44*] Skipping: Couldn't fetch last value from datafile.
[15-Jan-2000 03:06:44 ] Processed 2 targets in 5 seconds.
Does anyone have any clue what I'm doing wrong here, or where I should look
for further clues? I've been staring at it for a while, and I'm stopping
just short of a full debugging run. (That would be more than I'm capable of
dealing with at the moment.) Am I missing something obvious here?
- Jeff Younker - - These are my opinions, not MDL's -
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