From: "Matt Raykowski" <>
From: Nathan Alan Haneysmith <>
Hi Matt,
Regarding your first question, so when you go to view the graphs it is
displaying a blank graph with values from 0 to 1, but when you
you get a correctly ranged and graphed gif, right?
I just now noticed that in the summary field, I wasn't getting anything
either. A post that came out shortly after you sent this out notes that in
grapher.cgi, line 237 should be:
my($vname, $dss) = split(/\s*:\s*/, $v, 2);
I made that change, and my summary statistics came back, and my grapher.cgi
started working, manually and with generate-static. Maybe something that
should be noted and fixed on future releases? (=
Regarding your second question, just put the tag in either directory-desc or
short-desc like such:
short-desc = "Ethernet 1 <img
Just tried it and it works good :-) be sure to use single quotes inside the
I figured that out ten minutes after mailing out to the list, I was doing:
short-desc = "Ethernet 1 <IMG SRC="blah.gif">" and changed it to:
short-desc = "Ethernet 1 <IMG SRC=\"blah.gif\">"
Despite the reference guide, that's been working fine for me, and is all I
need to organize the tree. It's flushed out quite nicely, but there are a
couple issues I'm working on tackling, and that's that the generate-static
script generates all datasources for a given target (i.e., makes an error,
octets, and upacks graph files), and I only need to generate the graph for
hourly octets.
Right now, my generate-static-html script does NOT grab any data from the
cricket configs. It just looks at what exists in the statics directory you
it from. Later versions might have this functionality, in fact I really like
that idea, hurm, sounds like I have a new project :-)
It is available at be
sure to grab and read the README file for description of how I set this up
use it.
I've been quite on a troubleshooting/experimenting rampage, I even went so
far as to try Orca, until I cussed to no end because the pod2html never
worked for it. So far, Cricket's been satisfying all the needs I have,
except for a couple little quirks I'm sure I can iron out with a little bit
of perl. (=
Matt Raykowski - Level Two Technician
Spacestar Communications, Inc.
Dial-up to DS-3 Serving - MN WI ND MI IL
Voice (612) 996-0000 / Fax (612) 996-0123 /
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