From: Tim Kennedy <>
> target Serial1.3
> interface-name = Serial1.3
> target-type = sub-interface
That's reminded me of something. The reason that the sub-interface
thing didn't work for me, was the router I am using. All Cisco.
Cisco's track frInOctets, and frOutOctets, as well as FECN's and BECN's.
I wanted cricket to automagically distinguish between frame-relay
interfaces and other sub-interfaces, and graph teh right stats for me.
We use ATM in some places, which provides it's own type of sub-interface,
and we use BRI's in some places that also sho up as sub-interfaces.
So what I did, was add some stuff to teh listInterfaces script that
built frame interfaces seperately. like:
target Serial1.300
community = public (we use several comm strings)
interface-name = Serial1.300
short-desc = "Frame relay to customer"
target-type = frame-interface
host-interface = 3 (matches the ifIndex for host)
frame-interface = 300 (DLCI)
I had to add the community line because of the way I set up my tree.
We use routers with about 4 different communities, and have servers and
others that also have different communities. This makes it a standard for
the whole tree that I can just pull the community out of the interfaces
or Targets files.
This set-up lets me grpah frame-relay specific stats, apart from
the other interfaces.
Timothy Kennedy, Network Management Resources
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