[cricket-users] Re: Cricket & IP

From: Utsav Ratti (Utsav_Ratti@MCKINSEY.COM)
Date: Thu Jul 29 1999 - 12:36:51 PDT

From: "Utsav Ratti" <Utsav_Ratti@MCKINSEY.COM>

Sorry Jeff, I should have been clearer. I need to reference a router I'm
trying to monitor via its IP address instead of hostname because it doesn't
have a hostname assigned and it would be a bit of a pain to get this done
since I don't have direct access to it. Even if I did have a hostname
assigned, I'm not sure about the nameserver setup and hence whether name
resolution will work correctly.

You mentioned in your beginner's guide to cricket that using an IP address
is possible, but in any of the subsequent documents there is no
explanation. I followed all of the instructions in the beginner's guide
(you didn't have defaults for a Cisco 4500 so I used the 2500 as you
suggested). Then...

Stephen Carville posted his method
(http://www.sugarat.net/hypermail/cricket/0075.html) for a switch, which I
attempted to adapt for my router (in other words, instead of modifying the
switches file he mentions, I modified the /routers/Targets file. When I try
to recompile the config, I get the following errors:

[utsav@redhat utsav]$ ~/cricket/compile
[29-Jul-1999 14:55:27 ] Starting compile: Cricket version 0.69 ( Fri Jul 16
 00:37:23 PDT 1999 )
Use of uninitialized value at /home/utsav/cricket/./lib/ConfigTree/Node.pm
line 481, <GEN17> chunk 49.
Use of uninitialized value at /home/utsav/cricket/./lib/ConfigTree/Node.pm
line 481, <GEN17> chunk 51.
Use of uninitialized value at /home/utsav/cricket/./lib/ConfigTree/Node.pm
line 230.
Use of uninitialized value at /home/utsav/cricket/./lib/ConfigTree/Node.pm
line 230.
[29-Jul-1999 14:55:30 ] Processed 55 nodes (in 28 files) in 4 seconds.

If I then try to run the collector script, the following errors occur:

[utsav@redhat utsav]$ ~/cricket/collector /routers
[29-Jul-1999 14:59:34 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 0.69 ( Fri Jul
16 00:37:23 PDT 1999 )
Use of uninitialized value at /home/utsav/cricket/collector line 318.
Use of uninitialized value at /home/utsav/cricket/collector line 318.
[29-Jul-1999 14:59:34*] Could not find a fetcher with type to fetch data
for mckinsey-rmu ().
[29-Jul-1999 14:59:34*] 2 datasources required, 0 results returned!
[29-Jul-1999 14:59:34 ] Retrieved data for mckinsey-rmu ():
[29-Jul-1999 14:59:34*] No data retrieved. Skipping RRD update.
[29-Jul-1999 14:59:34 ] Processed 1 targets in 1 seconds.
[utsav@redhat utsav]$

Here's how I've set up the relevant config files:


   # Top Level Defaults

   Target --default--
           dataDir =
           rrd-datafile = %dataDir%/%auto-target-name%.rrd
           rrd-poll-interval = 300
           snmp-host = %auto-target-name%
           snmp-community = public
           snmp-port = 161
           snmp =
          directory-desc = "CIS4500 at"

~/cricket-config/routers/Defaults (I added the following lines in the
appropriate places)

   datasource Traffic-In ds-source
   datasource Traffic-Out ds-source

   targetType port-traffic
       ds = "Traffic-In, Traffic-Out"


   target "McKinsey-RMU"
           target-type = port-traffic
           short-Desc = "CIS4500"
           port = 10


   target --default--
           #router = bsn-router
           router =

Any help would be appreciated.


Jeff Allen <jra@corp.webtv.net> on 07/29/99 02:52:47 PM

Please respond to Jeff Allen <jra@corp.webtv.net>
To: Utsav Ratti
Subject: Re: Cricket & IP

Utsav Ratti wrote:
> Is there a new release of Cricket on the horizon that supports IP
> There is a rather crude hack in the mailing list archive, but...

Uh, I don't understand your question. Cricket sends messages via SNMP,
which travels as UDP packets over IP. So in that sense, it uses
IP. It can measure traffic across interfaces, but the measurement is
independent of the kind of traffic. If you have 5 mb/s of neware
traffic and 2 mb/s of IP traffic, Cricket will measure that at 7 mb/s.

Jeff R. Allen              |  jra@corp.webtv.net
WebTV Service Engineering  |  http://www.munitions.com/~jra

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